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Module 4 Lesson 2 - Writing Assignment

Module 4 Lesson 2 - Writing Assignment

Q Analyzing the Relationship Between Lead Exposure and Mental Ability Background Lead is a heavy metal that can cause a variety of symptoms when it enters the human body. Lead interferes with the development of the nervous system and can cause headaches, confusion, irritability, and in severe cases, seizures, comas, and death. Lead has also been linked to learning and behavioral disorders. Lead can enter the human body through contaminated air, food, water, soil, or in manufactured products such as paint. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have set the acceptable level of lead to 10micrograms/deciliter. The following data shows the results of a fictitious study of children born and raised in a town near a lead smelter. The blood levels of lead and IQs of the children were all measured at different ages. Pedanius Dioscorides observed the effect of lead on the mind in the first century A.D. Part 1 - Prior to exploring the collected data, answer the following questions: 1. Form a hypothesis about the relationship between lead levels in blood and IQ. Will this effect be consistent for all age levels, or will it affect certain age groups differently? 2. Given that the children are living near the lead processing plant, what do you think are the likely ways the children were exposed to the metal? Describe two possible routes of exposure.3. Would you classify the lead exposure of the children as chronic or acute? Explain.4. In this study, what would be considered the independent and dependent variables? The independent variable is selected or controlled as part of the study. The dependent variable is measured or observed as a result of the independent variable.

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1.The lower level of IQ is observed in people whose blood has lead concentrations high. However, it is not consistent for all age levels but the younger population experienced the most effect. 2.The children living near the lead processing plant are facing more metal exposure and their exposure routes are drinking lead-containing water. They are also playing near the plant so it shows that they intake particles of lead via breathing and touching. 3.___In my opinion, the children’s exposure to lead is chronic as lead exposure is persistent and continuous. It is affecting the health of children.